The Northwest Permaculture Convergence is an inclusive annual weekend-long event that alternates between Oregon and Washington State. The Convergence brings together a remarkable diversity of people, all with creative approaches for designing living environments, and economic and culture systems that thrive within ecologically sustainable limits. Everyone who practices the ideals of Permaculture speaks a common language across the Northwest and all over the world.
The 2013 event was held at Pacific University, and B Street Farm in Forest Grove, Oregon. The 2013 Convergence theme was "Hands On Where We Live". Permaculture is all about taking care of more needs- closer to where we live in ways that are friendly to people and planet. Closer to home means reduced carbon footprint, more time for family, more time in the garden and more free time too!
Practitioners across a wide spectrum of skill sets exchanged ideas through concurrent workshops ranging from organic agriculture and wildcrafting to natural building and appropriate technologies; from environmental remediation and disaster preparedness to community dynamics and global justice.
The 2013 Convergence included a special Introduction to Applied Permaculture session on Friday morning at B Street Farm from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Applied Permaculture" means design and actions for real life application.
Another special feature of the 2013 event was the First Annual Membership Meeting and voting for the Board of Directors for the NWPCC.
In addition to the workshop space, there are also dedicated areas for skill sharing, children's activities, educational displays, and vendors.
Participants had opportunities to socialize over communal meals and during the evening's entertainment. Camping was available on-site for a nominal fee.
The NW Permaculture Convergence, is applying for non-profit 501(c)3 status, oversees event management and is fiscally responsible for each year's planning committees. This group teams-up with local communities for 'Shoulder Events,' supporting our allies with tours, panel discussions, workshops, and classes. Every year, the organization offers a number of volunteer and work trade positions. Ride shares, home stays and food donations can be bartered on the website FORUM page.
Long time enthusiasts and beginners alike pilgrimage from every corner of the Cascadian Bioregion which extends from coastal Alaskan Panhandle to the north, into Northern California in the south, and inland to include parts of the Yukon, Idaho, Wyoming and Western Montana.

Pacific University.